Investigating clues left behind by thieves is work for the LEGO City Police Mobile Crime Lab officers. This set features a truck that opens to reveal a 2-level lab with workstations, map, CCTV screens, microscope, coffee machine and cell. Also included is a forensic scene and a quad bike, plus minifigures of 2 cops, 1 scientist and 2 robbers.
- Weight
- 0.84 kg
- Std Carton
- 3
- date of entry
- 05/02/2024
- Std High
- 47,5
- Std Width
- 29,5
- Std Fund
- 20,3
- Item type
- Seasonal
- pre-sale
- Y
- MarcaProveedor
- Age
- +7 years
- Christmas Catalog
- N
- Carnival Catalogue
- N
- Summer Catalogue
- N
- Deals Catalogue
- N
- High unit
- 45,7
- Unit width
- 28,0
- Unit Fund
- 6,2
- Sound
- N
- Light
- N
- Music
- N
- Brands and Characters
- Pre-orders
- Upcoming
- Battery Included
New product