The Jurassic World franchise comes to life in the hands of little ones with this Jurassic World Spinosaurus Ultra Snap dinosaur figure from Imaginext by Fisher-Price. This large dinosaur toy is ready to snap its way into little ones´ playtime. When the tail trigger is pulled, the head moves backward and the mouth opens and lowers to attack. The trigger also activates the multicolored flipper lights, while its eyes light up and it makes dinosaur sounds. Boys and girls can use the included toy figure to create their own dinosaur stories using their limitless imagination.
- Std Carton
- 1
- date of entry
- 12/06/2023
- Item type
- Seasonal
- pre-sale
- N
- MarcaProveedor
- Age
- +3 years
- Christmas Catalog
- N
- Carnival Catalogue
- N
- Summer Catalogue
- N
- Deals Catalogue
- N
- Licence
- Brands and Characters
New product