The Brave Bull is a type of bovine that comes from the Uro (wild bull of the Neolithic) already introduced in the North of Spain and Portugal by the Celts. The current bull is the result of a selection made since the eighteenth century by Spanish farmers choosing for reproduction those specimens with different characteristics and with Bravura as a common denominator to all of them. It is an animal of strong temperament accustomed to living in freedom, it is rough and distrustful which makes it sharpen instincts and learn easily. The Bravo bull symbolizes the popular festival and appears in all the arts from cave paintings to the most modern trends of Spanish culture (paintings, engravings, cinema and literature). It is one of the greatest jewels of world zootechnics. The bull developed by Deqube is presented made of resin, as a real replica with the maximum detail in its trapío. It is hand painted This model is made in an attitude ramming, that is, attacking. The bull uses its antlers to address the object of its attack by humiliating the testuz and then raising its head to pick it up and finish it off. The coat chosen is the so-called Jabonero, with vanilla hair.