With this figure inspired by the movie, Harry Potter and all his friends return to Hogwa...
With this movie-inspired figure, Harry Potter and all his friends return to Hogwarts! Fans of the series can recreate favorite scenes or imagine their own action stories with the Rubeus Hagrid figure, Harry´s trusted friend. He resembles the popular character from the Harry Potter movie series and wears his signature shirt with belt and vest, trousers and boots. This 12-inch-scale half-giant, half-human Hagrid figure includes realistic details from the movie, like beard and curly hair, as well as a hatching Norbert dragon figure to encourage creative play. The Hagrid figure has eleven ´joints´: neck, shoulders, hips, knees, elbows and wrists, so he´s more than ready for you to imagine stories and strike all sorts of poses. Fans and collectors will love reliving their favorite moments from the series with this collectible figure inspired by one of the characters. Collect more Harry Potter figures and toys to expand your wizarding world and create your own magical stories. They are sold separately and are subject to availability. Colors and decoration may differ from those shown.
- Weight
- 0.39 kg
- Std Carton
- 4
- date of entry
- 24/01/2020
- Std High
- 34,0
- Std Width
- 28,5
- Std Fund
- 21,0
- Item type
- Sale
- pre-sale
- N
- MarcaProveedor
- Age
- +6 years
- Pale Units
- 292
- Christmas Catalog
- N
- Carnival Catalogue
- N
- Summer Catalogue
- N
- Deals Catalogue
- N
- Spanish
- Y
- English
- Y
- French
- Y
- German
- Y
- Portuguese
- Y
- Italian
- Y
- High unit
- 32,5
- Unit width
- 20,3
- Unit Fund
- 7,0
- Licence
- Brands and Characters
New product